names: |
Witold Jacek Janik master of science single |
Education: |
1987/1989 |
postgraduate training „Mathematical Methods and Computer Aid in Chemical Technology” – Technical University of Wrocław faculty: Chemical, Inorganic and Artifitial Fertilizers Technology | |
1978/1983 |
University of Wrocław faculty: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry; direction: Chemistry Fundamental and Applyed; |
trainings: |
2021 2015 2014 2011 2008 2006 1998 i 1999 |
SOLIDWORKS – Advanced Part Modeling – Certificate No: 1134/ZMC/2021 Dimensioning and tolerance GPS – requirements and interpretation of records Technical drawing – analysis, interpretation and use in practice SolidWorks 2012 course manual. Autodesk Certificate of Completion – „AutoCAD 2008 advanced” – No.2475878 Competence course „How to satisfy a Complaining Customer” – No.298/IC/208 „Handling FINN-POWER Laser-Punching and usage NCExpress” |
Professional practice: |
2014/… |
leader of design team; Grupa Kęty SA | |
1996/2013 |
design and development; Hydro Aluminium Chrzanów sp.z o.o and the same company (joint venture HYDRO-SAPA) Sapa Extrusion Chrzanów | |
1995/2000 |
owner of private firm GiFT s.c. – servising cash register and retail and wholesale systems; | |
1995/1996 |
constructor; Thermoplast sp. z o.o. | |
1994/1995 |
software specialist; Computer Software Products Józef Gawron; | |
1990/1995 |
owner of private firm „M&W” s.c. – DTP | |
1994 |
editor photocomposition; Poligrafia i Wydawnictwo „FUST” s.c. | |
1983/1993 |
engineer chemist; spacialist working, measuring and research in power chemistry;manager of workshop laboratory making elements of physical-chemical units. Zakłady Pomiarowo Badawcze Energetyki „Energopomiar” sp. z o.o. |
I speak English in average degree. I can learn quickly and easily using language practically, but, unfortunately, I can learn only „theoretically” what brought me only to use English communicatively in speech and writing. |